If you have a product or a product idea and have ever wondered how to get it placed in a Major Big Box Retailer, "On The Shelf" is the show for you. Every week we tackle important subjects crucial to mounting a successful sales campaign into Big Box Retail. From timeframes to packaging to Pricing we cover it all. Using simple steps, information and instruction, On The Shelf will be your personal wholesale consultant. Presented by TLB Consulting, a concierge consulting company, who has over 22 years of retail / wholesale expertise.

“Dear Mr. Bush, I just wanted to thank you for all the content that you are putting out there. I am in a starting phase of launching a product to retailers, and I have benefited greatly from the podcasts that I found on Spotify! Thank you again you had truly help motivate me. Best, Faisal Adnan Montreal, QC, Canada.”

“Thank you again for everything you're doing to help manufacturers like myself! Your podcast has given me a total new outlook on how to approach trade shows and buyers with a plan for success.”
How Diversity Can Help Your Products Get On The Shelf with Mercedes Jaime
Wouldn’t it be great if you could just skip to the top of the heap when taking your products to a retailer? Mercedes Jaime is a supplier diversity expert who is a seasoned veteran of the food and retail industry. She explains that supplier diversity is the ability to help a company’s supply chain...
Buyer Meeting Tips Plus Other Big Boxer Questions Answered
Time is growing short before the end of the year. It’s time to reflect and take a look at what you’ve done this year and what you want to do next year to help take your product sales to the next level. A lot of times, we get scattered, not understanding exactly where to...
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